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08.09.2011 - 01:00
Diablo 3 Beta

Nächste News aus dem Hause Diablo 3 Beta, aber auch wieder mit dem großen Bruder "SPOILER ALARM!" Für alle die es noch nicht wissen, wir werden erst einmal keinerlei Spoiler über den Geschichtlichen Inhalt von Diablo 3 machen, daher wünschen wir uns, dass ihr dies in euren Diskussionen berücksichtigt! Falls ihr dennoch über Themen schreiben wollt, die etwas mit der Geschichte zu tun haben, oder aber ihr euch nicht sicher seid ob dies nicht ein Spoiler ist, nutzt bitte die Funktion um einen Spoiler zu erstellen und markiert diesen, vielen Dank!

Kommen wir nun zum Inhalt dieser News, den Runeneffekten in Diablo 3. Wie bereits in der vorherigen News erwähnt, ist Quelle aller Informationen der Inhalt des Beta-Clients, welches man einsehen kann. Den Anfang macht der Barbar, welcher vielen Spieler bereits aus Diablo 2 bekannt sein sollte, immerhin handelt es sich hierbei immer noch um die gleiche Person.
Sämtliche Daten sind auf Englisch, daher bitte nicht verzagen beim lesen, da das meiste doch sehr simples Englisch ist.

Der Barbar

Klassen Wappen

Wrath of the Berserker

Crimson Rune - Insanity
While active your damage is also increased by [{Script Formula 8}*100]%.

Indigo Rune - Arreat's Wail
Activating Wrath of the Berserker knocks back all enemies within {Script Formula 20} yards and deals [{Script Formula 17}*100]% weapon damage to them.

Obsidian Rune - Mountainous Form
Increase the bonus dodge chance granted to [{Script Formula 3}*100]%.

Golden Rune - Thrive on Chaos
Every [1 / {Script Formula 21}] Fury gained while Wrath of the Berserker is active adds 1 second to the duration of the effect.

Alabaster Rune - Slaughter
Killing an enemy while Wrath of the Berserker is active causes them to explode dealing [{Script Formula 11}*100]% weapon damage to all enemies within {Script Formula 13} yards.


Crimson Rune - Maniac
Each Frenzy effect also increases all damage done by the Barbarian by [{Script Formula 11} *100]%.

Indigo Rune - Sidearm
Each strike has a [{Script Formula 17}*100]% chance to throw a piercing axe at a nearby enemy that deals [{Script Formula 18}*100]% weapon damage to all enemies in its path.

Obsidian Rune - Relentless
While under the effects of Frenzy the Barbarian gains [{Script Formula 8} * 100]% increased movement speed.

Golden Rune - Smite
Adds a [{Script Formula 1}*100]% chance to call down a bolt of lightning from above, stunning your target for {Script Formula 0} seconds.

Alabaster Rune - Triumph
Killing a creature with Frenzy heals the Barbarian for [{Script Formula 10}*100]% Life over {Script Formula 12} seconds.

Threatening Shout

Crimson Rune - Demoralize
Affected enemies are also taunted to attack you for {Script Formula 8} seconds.

Indigo Rune - Deafening Roar
Extend the range of the shout to [{Script Formula 9} {Script Formula 14}] yards.

Obsidian Rune - Terrify
Enemies are badly shaken by the shout and have a [{Script Formula 7}*100]% chance to immediately drop additional loot.

Golden Rune - Stagger
Affected enemies also have their attack speed reduced by [{Script Formula 4}*-100]%.

Alabaster Rune - Grim Harvest
Enemies are severely demoralized. Each enemy has a [{Script Formula 3}*100]% chance to flee for {Script Formula 5} - [{Script Formula 5} {Script Formula 6}] seconds.


Crimson Rune - Broad Sweep
Increases damage to [({Script Formula 15} {Script Formula 17})*100]% weapon damage to the targeted enemy and [({Script Formula 15} {Script Formula 17})*50]% weapon damage to others in the arc.

Indigo Rune - Gathering Storm
Draw enemies in from {Script Formula 14} yards away before the strike lands.

Obsidian Rune - Scattering Blast
On critical hits, knock enemies back {Script Formula 2} yards and inflict [{Script Formula 9}*100]% weapon damage to enemies where they land. Enemies knock each other back up to {Script Formula 25} times.

Golden Rune - Reaping Swing
Generate {Script Formula 22} Fury per enemy hit, up to [{Script Formula 22}*{Script Formula 23}] additional Fury total.

Alabaster Rune - Rupture
Enemies slain by this attack have a [{Script Formula 12}*100]% chance to explode, causing [{Script Formula 4}*100]% physical damage to all other enemies within {Script Formula 6} yards.

Ground Stomp

Crimson Rune - Trembling Stomp
Increase damage to [{Script Formula 23}*{Script Formula 24}*100]% weapon damage.

Indigo Rune - Wrenching Smash
Increase the area of effect to [{Script Formula 20} {Script Formula 21}] yards. Enemies are pulled closer before the strike lands.

Obsidian Rune - Avalanche
Enemies are knocked back {Script Formula 11} yards and inflict [{Script Formula 16}*100]% weapon damage where they land.

Golden Rune - Foot of the Mountain
Increase Fury gained to [{Resource Gained On First Hit} {Script Formula 19}] Fury per stomp.

Alabaster Rune - Deafening Crash
Enemies in the area are slowed for {Script Formula 4} - [{Script Formula 4} {Script Formula 18}] seconds after they recover from being stunned.

Battle Rage

Crimson Rune - Marauder's Rage
Increase damage bonus to [{Script Formula 1}*100]%.

Indigo Rune - Ferocity
Critical hits increase the duration of the Battle Rage effect by [{Script Formula 4}|1|] seconds.

Obsidian Rune - Swords to Ploughshares
Critical hits have a [{Script Formula 6}*100]% chance to cause enemies to drop additional treasure or health globes.

Golden Rune - Into the Fray
Critical hits generate {Script Formula 3} additional Fury.

Alabaster Rune - Bloodshed
While under the effects of Battle Rage, critical hits cause an explosion of blood dealing [{Script Formula 8}*100]% weapon damage to all nearby enemies.

Hammer of the Ancients

Crimson Rune - Smash
Strike a smaller area for [{Script Formula 2}*{Script Formula 3}*100]% weapon damage.

Indigo Rune - Rolling Thunder
Modifies the strike to create a shockwave that deals [{Script Formula 23}*100]% weapon damage to all enemies in front of you.

Obsidian Rune - The Devil's Anvil
Create a tremor at the point of impact to rattle enemies for an additional [{Script Formula 9}*100]% weapon damage over
{Script Formula 10} seconds.

Golden Rune - Birthright
Critical hits have a [{Script Formula 5}*100]% chance to cause enemies to drop loot or health globes.

Alabaster Rune - Thunderstrike
Whenever you kill an enemy with Hammer of the Ancients every other nearby enemy has a [{Script Formula 16}*100]% chance to be stunned for {Script Formula 17} seconds.


Crimson Rune - Marathon
Increases the movement speed bonus to [{Script Formula 1}*100]% for {Script Formula 0} seconds.

Indigo Rune - Scramble
Increase dodge chance by [{Script Formula 2}*100]% while sprinting.

Obsidian Rune - Like the Wind
Tornadoes rage in the wake of the Sprint, each one inflicting [{Script Formula 5}*100]% weapon damage.

Golden Rune - Forced March
Increase the movement speed of allies within {Script Formula 4} yards by [{Script Formula 17}*100]% for {Script Formula 18} seconds.

Alabaster Rune - Gangway
Slams through enemies, knocking them back and inflicting [{Script Formula 16}* 100]% weapon damage.

Seismic Slam

Crimson Rune - Shattered Ground
Increase damage to [{Script Formula 8}*100]% weapon damage and increases the knockback by [{Script Formula 11 *100]%.

Indigo Rune - Rumble
The ground continues to shudder after the intitial strike, damaging enemies in the area for [{Script Formula 3}*100]% weapon damage.

Obsidian Rune - Stagger
Adds a [{Script Formula 6}*100]% chance of stunning enemies for {Script Formula 7} seconds.

Golden Rune - Strength from Earth
Reduce Fury cost to {Script Formula 15} Fury.

Alabaster Rune - Cracking Rift
Focus the seismic shockwaves along a narrow path to inflict [{Script Formula 8}*100]% weapon damage to targets along a [{Script Formula 19} * {Script Formula 23}] yard path.

Ignore Pain

Crimson Rune - Contempt for Weakness
Reflects [{Script Formula 9}*100]% of ignored damage back at the enemy.

Indigo Rune - Iron Hide
Increases duration to {Script Formula 0} seconds.

Obsidian Rune - Mob Rule
Extend the effect to nearby allies, reducing damage taken by [{Script Formula 10} * 100]% for [{Script Formula 3}|1|] seconds.

Golden Rune - Bravado
Knocks back all enemies within {Script Formula 8} yards when triggered, and reduces cooldown time to {Script Formula 22} seconds. Also deals [{Script Formula 11}*100]% weapon damage on affected enemies.

Alabaster Rune - Ignorance is Bliss
While Ignore Pain is active, gain [{Script Formula 1}*100]% of all damage dealt as Life.

War Cry

Crimson Rune - The Best Defense
Increases the armor bonus to [{Script Formula 0}*100]%.

Indigo Rune - Veteran's Warning
Warcry also grants [{Script Formula 14}*100]% dodge bonus.

Obsidian Rune - Impunity
Grants [{Script Formula 4}*100]% resistance to all elements by while affected by War Cry.

Golden Rune - Charge!
Increases the Fury generated to {Script Formula 3} when used.

Alabaster Rune - Invigorate
Increases maximum Life by [{Script Formula 5}*100]% and regenerates {Script Formula 6} Life per second while affected by War Cry.


Crimson Rune - Lacerate
Increases damage to [{Script Formula 0}*{Script Formula 1}*100]% weapon damage every second for {Script Formula 15} seconds.

Indigo Rune - Ravage
Increases the range to deal [{Script Formula 20}*100]% weapon damage every second for {Script Formula 15} seconds to all enemies within [{Script Formula 2} {Script Formula 16}] yards.

Obsidian Rune - Mutilate
Increase bleeding duration to [{Script Formula 5}] seconds.

Golden Rune - Blood Lust
Gain [{Script Formula 8}*100]% of the damage done by Rend as Life.

Alabaster Rune - Bloodbath
Enemies killed while bleeding cause all enemies within {Script Formula 19} yards to begin bleeding for [{Script Formula 7}*100]% weapon damage.


Crimson Rune - Onslaught
Add [{Script Formula 1}-1] reverberation that causes [{Script Formula 12}/({Script Formula 1}-1)*100]% weapon damage per strike.

Indigo Rune - Beat Down
Each attack grants a [{Script Formula 2}*100]% damage boost for {Script Formula 11} seconds. This effect stacks up to {Script
Formula 4} times.

Obsidian Rune - Clobber
Gives each hit a [{Script Formula 14}*100]% chance to stun the target for [{Script Formula 15}|1|] seconds.

Golden Rune - Rowdy
Generate {Script Formula 10} additional Fury per attack.

Alabaster Rune - Pulverize
Cause a shockwave that inflicts [{Script Formula 18}*100]% weapon damage to enemies in a [{Script Formula 24}-{Script Formula 23} {Script Formula 25}] yard line behind the targeted enemy.

Ancient Spear

Crimson Rune- Harpoon
Pierce through up to {Script Formula 17} enemies in a straight line and drag them all back.

Indigo Rune - Grappling Hooks
Throw {Script Formula 11} spears. Each spear will pull back the enemy that it hits.

Obsidian Rune - Siphon
Gain Life equal to [{Script Formula 10}*100]% of the damage inflicted.

Golden Rune - Get Over Here
Increases Fury gain to {Resource Gained On First Hit}.

Alabaster Rune - Weak Link
Enemies killed by this attack explode for {Script Formula 14} - [{Script Formula 14} {Script Formula 15}] damage.


Alabaster Rune - Death from Above
Land with such force that enemies suffer a [{Script Formula 37}*100]% chance to become stunned for {Script Formula 38} seconds.

Golden Rune - Iron Impact
Gain [{Script Formula 33}*100]% additional armor for {Script Formula 36} seconds after landing.

Obsidian Rune - Launch
Jump into the air with such great force that enemies within [{Script Formula 31}|1|] yards of the origin of the jump take [{Script Formula 30}*100]% weapon damage.

Indigo Rune - Toppling Impact
Send enemies hurtling {Script Formula 17} yards into other nearby enemies who suffer [{Script Formula 22}*100]% weapon damage and are pushed back in a chain up to {Script Formula 27} times.

Crimson Rune - Call of Arreat
Shockwaves burst forth from the ground at the destination and knock enemies toward the Barbarian from [{Script Formula 7}*{Script Formula 0}|1|] yards away.

Weapon Throw

Crimson Rune - Mighty Throw
Increase thrown weapon damage to [{Script Formula 15}*100]% weapon damage.

Indigo Rune - Ricochet
Angle the weapon to ricochet and hit up to [{Script Formula 5} 1] targets within {Script Formula 12} yards of each other.

Obsidian Rune - Throwing Hammer
Hurl a hammer with a [{Script Formula 6}*100]% chance to stun the target for [{Script Formula 7}|1|] seconds.

Golden Rune - Dread Shotput
Expend all remaining Fury to throw a fallen foe which inflicts an additional [{Script Formula 18}*100]% weapon damage for each point of Fury expended to all enemies within {Script Formula 19} yards of the target.

Alabaster Rune - Stupify
Aim for the head, causing your target to be confused and attack other enemies for {Script Formula 10} seconds.


Crimson Rune - Volcanic Eruption
Turns Whirlwind into a torrent of magma that inflicts [{Script Formula 1}*100]% weapon damage every [{Script Formula 0}|2|] seconds.

Indigo Rune - Dust Devils
Generate harsh tornadoes that inflict [{Script Formula 6}*100]% weapon damage to enemies in their path.

Obsidian Rune - Hurricane
Increase the movement speed of Whirlwind by [{Script Formula 15}*100]%.

Golden Rune - Eye of the Storm
Reduce the cost of Whirlwind to [{Script Formula 12}|1|] Fury per second.

Alabaster Rune - Blood Funnel
Critical strikes restore [{Script Formula 8} * 100]% of your maximum Life.

Furious Charge

Alabaster Rune - Merciless Assault
Cooldown is reduced by {Script Formula 12} second for every target hit. This effect can reduce the cooldown by up to {Script Formula 10} seconds.

Golden Rune - Stamina
Generate {Script Formula 11} Fury for each target hit while charging.

Obsidian Rune - Bull Rush
Any targets who are critically hit by Furious Charge will be stunned for [{Script Formula 8}|1|] seconds.

Indigo Rune - Juggernaut
Regain [{Script Formula 21}*100]% of your maximum health for each target hit by while charging.

Crimson Rune - Battering Ram
Increase damage at the destination to [{Script Formula 14}*100]% weapon damage.


Crimson Rune
Additional strikes on the same creature have an extra [{Script Formula 6} *100]% critical chance and [{Script Formula 5} *100]% damage, stacking up to {Script Formula 4} times on each enemy.

Indigo Rune
Sends out a shockwave inflicting [{Script Formula 18} * 100]% weapon damage to all enemies in an arc.

Obsidian Rune
Throws axes at enemies within {Script Formula 11} yards if there are no enemies in melee range, inflicting [{Script Formula 17} * 100]% damage with each axe.

Golden Rune
Each hit has a [{Script Formula 7} * 100]% chance to restore [{Script Formula 8} * 100]% Life.

Alabaster Rune
Killing an enemy grants an extra attack that inflicts [100 {Script Formula 9} * 100]% damage.


Crimson Rune- Retribution
Increase damage to [{Script Formula 2}*100]% weapon damage.

Indigo Rune - Provocation
Increases the chance Revenge will become active for use to [{Script Formula 18}*100]% each time the Barbarian is hit by an attack.

Obsidian Rune - Grudge
Knocks enemies back {Script Formula 8} yards when Revenge is used.

Golden Rune - Vengeance is Mine
Gain {Script Formula 6} Fury each time Revenge is used and improve Life gained from each enemy hit to [{Script Formula 4}*100|1|]%.

Alabaster Rune - Best Served Cold
After using Revenge, your critical strike chance is increased by [{Script Formula 7}*100]% for {Script Formula 20} seconds.


Crimson Rune - Aftershocks
Secondary tremors knock enemies back and inflict [{Script Formula 14}*100]% weapon damage.

Indigo Rune - Giant's Stride
Secondary tremors follow the Barbarian's movement and inflict [{Script Formula 14}*100]% weapon damage.

Obsidian Rune - Chilling Earth
Creates an icy patch causing Eathquake's damage to turn cold and slow the movement of enemies by [{Script Formula 13}*100}]%.

Golden Rune - The Mountain's Call
Reduce Fury cost to {Script Formula 20} Fury and the cooldown to {Script Formula 5} seconds.

Alabaster Rune - Flying Boulder
Project secondary tremors up to {Script Formula 10} yards ahead of the Barbarian that inflict [{Script Formula 14}*100]% weapon damage.

Soweit der Barbar, restlichen Klassen folgen in den nächsten 4 Posts von mir, viel Spaß damit!
geschrieben von Ranker  
